To avoid stubborn grout stains, try to clean up spills as quickly as possible. However, no matter what lengths we try to go to keep our tile clean and looking like new, stains may still find their way into our grout. To tackle stubborn grout stains, follow a few simple steps:
Start off with a gentle (least acidic) household tile and grout cleaner first. If this doesn’t do the job, move up to a harsher chemical cleaner. Try to avoid using bleach since it can alter the color of your grout and cause damage with repeated use.
Spray cleaner onto a small length of grout and scrub with a stiff brush.
Scrub in a circular motion rather than straight up and down. This will remove more debris.
Rinse well with warm water and mop up and remaining moisture.
If you really want to keep the dirt off your new floor, leave
your shoes at the door! Also be sure to wear slippers or socks on your tile floors. Your feet have oil on them that will transfer onto the tile.
Steam cleaners can also work well on grout stains. The pressure of a steam cleaner can loosen stains that cleaners can’t dissolve…and without harmful chemicals!